PRX DermPerfexion, a combination of TCA and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) quickly penetrates the dermis (one of the skin’s layers), activating a process of regeneration without attacking the epidermis (the outer layer of skin). The PRX solution contains 33% TCA and 67% hydrogen peroxide. This treatment can be used on the face & body.
A series of these peels is incredibly effective. PRX DermPerfexion promotes stimulation of fibroblasts and growth factors without causing inflammation or damaging the skin. This treatment can be performed at any time of year, unlike peels, because it is not photosensitizing, and it is suitable for all skin types. It treats melasma, hyper pigmentation, acne, scars, skin tightening, stretch marks, fine lines & wrinkles. Series of 4 or 6, once a week is recommended.
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