Dermaplaning is a form of manual exfoliation similar in theory to microdermabrasion but without the use of suction or abrasive crystals. An esthetician grade, sterile blade is stroked along the skin at an angle to gently “shave off” dead skin cells from the epidermis. Dermaplaning also temporarily removes the fine vellus hair of the face, leaving a very smooth surface.
As with any type of exfoliation, the removal of dead skin cells allows home care products to be more effective, reduces the appearance of fine lines, evens skin tone, and assists in reducing milia, closed and open comedones, and minor breakouts associated with congested pores.
Dermaplaning can be an effective exfoliation method for clients that have couperose (tiny blood vessels near the surface of the skin), sensitive skin, or allergies that prevent the use of microdermabrasion or chemical peels.
Due to the contours of the face, certain areas of the face (such as the eyelids and nose) are not treatable using this method.
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